YoMo: inspiring the young

The YouthMobile Festival takes 20,000 students into a 4-day interactive journey through science and tech.


Science and technology are not just adult things and the use that young people make of mobile phones is not just leisure. Science, technology and mobile are playful, imaginative and useful experimentation fields for children, teenagers and youngsters. YoMo: The Youth Mobile Festival, explores this relationship between the young and the STEAM (Science. Technology. Engineering. Arts. Mathematics.) ecosystem during 4 days of live theatre shows, interactive workshops, and hands-on activities, involving around 20,000 students from across Spain.

YoMo is also special for us because IED Barcelona School of Fashion participates with the fashion technology show ECOCYBORG, a performance using wearable technology designed by IED Barcelona fashion students during the TRANS DESIGN WEEK 2017.


How: Free for registered school groups.

When: from 27 February – 2 March 2017

Where: Fira Montjuïc Hall 1