Welcome to the fourth Creative Challenge
Our week of challenges is almost over. Be ready to see things from another perspective.

Our Creative Challenges week is almost over, being tomorrow’s challenge the last one. What has been your favorite exercise so far? Did you enjoy making a video? Did you need help from your family/roommates to record it?
If you are new to our Creative Challenges week, you can read our first post where we explained the project. Find it HERE.
Today’s challenge will force you to get out of your comfort zone and to see things from another perspective. Are you ready?
FOURTH CHALLENGE – April 9th, Thursday
Choose a product or an item that you regularly use and determine a way to redesign or repackage it so you will want to use less of it. How could you use design skills to make more out of less and encourage people in general to use that reduced quantity in a more meaningful manner.
Surely you weren’t expecting an exercise like this 😉 Don’t forget to share your results with the IED Community, using the hashtag #StrongerWithDesign and tagging @iedbarcelona.
*The challenges have been based, inspired on or reinterpreted from “Creative Workshop”, by David Sherwin*