Third day of challenges: do not miss it!
If you have made it this far, the only option is forward! Read about today’s challenge.

We are already half way of our Creative Challenges week. How was yesterday’s exercise? Were you able to resist temptation? The good thing is you may have discovered a new book to read in the near future.
If you are new to our Creative Challenges week, you can read our first post where we explained the project. Find all the information HERE.
Today’s challenge includes recording a video. If you are a social media expert, take advantage of your knowledge on Tik Tok or Instagram.
THIRD CHALLENGE – April 8th, Wednesday
You are invited to participate in an online competition for the best ten-second videos created by independent filmmakers. The theme is: “Quarantine Days”. Create yours and send it to the jury.
You might not be able to watch your video in a movie theater, but we are looking forward to discover your skills as a film director. Share your video using the hashtag #StrongerWithDesign and tagging @iedbarcelona.
See you tomorrow with a new challenge!
*The challenges have been based, inspired on or reinterpreted from “Creative Workshop”, by David Sherwin*