Take a look at Vice and i-D Spain headquarters
Our Level 4 students visited the headquarters of Vice and i-D Spain as part of the subject Fashion Journalism

The Level 4 students from the BA in Fashion Marketing and Communication visited the headquarters of Vice and i-D Spain in Barcelona. The visit was organized by the teacher Gabriela Pedranti as part of the subject Fashion Journalism.
Vice and i-D are magazines dedicated to youth culture, music, arts and news topics. The main difference between the two is that i-D focuses on fashion and is known for its innovative photography. Both publications belong to VICE Media and are placed in the same building.
They use a language appropriate for teenagers and young adults in order to connect with them and their office is a training ground for fresh talent. Working in their newsroom is a great opportunity for growing professionally, while being surrounded by creativity in a journalistic environment.

The students were received by the Editor in Chief, Álvaro Piñero. He showed them around the office explaining their work-flow, how their newsroom is organized, their creative and journalistic process, their advertising strategy, their social networking sites, …
Their office also shows their creative and innovative thinking. Take a look to the following Boomerang videos taken by the student Almudena Solano. The neon sign definitely caught her attention!
This visit was very interesting for understanding the structure of media outlets with a strong online presence. Vice and i-D pay attention to social networking sites such as Instagram, Twitter or Facebook and create special content for those platforms to reach a younger audience. For example, short video-documentaries with a great visual impact.
We can all agree this is the future for news media and we hope our students were able to make the most of this visit.
Thanks to Gabriela for organizing such an interesting visit and to the students for their participation!