Networking experience with Kaospilot and Flying October
The students from the BA in Business Design attended the networking activity as part of the subject Design Thinking

At the beginning of November, the first-year students from the BA in Business Design took part in a networking event organized in collaboration with Kaospilot, Flying October, Palo Alto and IED Barcelona.
The networking event was called “Creative Destruction”, with the objective of exploring “the forces of destruction and creativity and try to comprehend what’s old and new”.

Both Kaospilot and Flying October were founded in Denmark and have the concept “Innovation by People” as their focus. The first one is a hybrid business and design school where creative minds can become creative leaders. On the other hand, Flying October is a strategic design company with a branch office in Barcelona.

The students participated in the event as part of the subject Design Thinking, taught by the lecturer Álvaro Doladé, who is also the Managing Director of Flying October in Barcelona. They were able to help with the organization, managing a small budget, providing ideas and participating in the different activities.
We want to thank Álvaro for the great initiative! And hope the students can take part in many other activities in the future, always following our motto “learning by doing”.