Category: Business Design

BLAU ORGÀSMIC is finalist in the Ecodisseny Awards 2017!
The project by one of our Business Design students aims to solve an important environmental issue: ghost fishing nets

Follow our students through the design process: DEVELOPEMENT
Here is the explanation of the last stage that our Business Design students have conducted for their final thesis

Service Design with Port Barcelona: Checking the DEVELOPMENT phase!
After 6 months of work, our students have finally presented the final phase

Blau Orgàsmic at BETEVÉ!
Watch the tv report about all the upcycled projects from fishing nets made by IED Barcelona students

TINGLADOS: Preparing the final presentation!
Our Business Design students visit the old tinglados of the Port to choose the location for their final presentation

Follow our student through the design process: DEFINITION!
Our Business Design students just presented the second stage of their final thesis, get to know more about it!

Service Design with Port Barcelona: Checking the DEFINITION phase!
Our Business Design students continue advancing with their final project with Port de Barcelona

THE POWER OF AN OBJECT: Product Design presentations
Our 1st-year Business Design students show us the meaningful role that can be played by a well-designed object.

Blau Orgàsmic takes part in the Ecodisseny Awards 2017!
The project by our Business Design student Ioana Crasovan participates in the awards held by L’Agència Catalana de Residus

Follow our student through the design process: DISCOVERY!
The best way to understand something is to see it in action, so here we explain each stage of the Design Thinking process in parallel to our