SobTec17: free software for a commons technology
The Technological Sovereignty Congress explores how to put technology at the service of citizens
SobTec17 adds a new approach to the analysis on technology that, both inside and outside the MWC, will take place in Barcelona during the last week of February and the first of March. Technological sovereignty is about providing users with the necessary knowledge to make informed and free choices about the use and the relationship they want to have with technology.
This one-day event holds discussion panels about net neutrality, free software, digital surveillance, gender violence and technology, citizen participation and technology, low-tech or public innovation. Besides the panels, there are also digital security, data analysis and Open Source Intelligence Workshops. Codegram, the builders of the participatory platform used by the Barcelona City Council Decidim.Barcelona, the free operative system Debian GNU/Linux , Xarxa IP, the community of public employees for changing Catalan Administration through technological tools such as Open Source Software; or Low-Tech Magazine. This is the second edition of the congress, last year’s edition featured the participation of speackers such as Richard Stallman, one of the most influential voices in free sotware.
When: 4th March
How: All activities are open and free with previous registration. You can register here.
Where: Centre Cívic Pere Quart